Bon Enfant’s been breaking the glass ceiling since their inception. Led by Daphné Brissette
(Canailles) and Guillaume Chiasson (Solids, Ponctuation), along with Étienne Côté (Canailles,
Lumière), Mélissa Fortin (Canailles) and Alex Burger (himself), this ragtag team of
superheroes land with brilliance wherever they go. Their music is phantasmagoric, best
enjoyed with a flower in your hair and a sword in hand.
Bon Enfant exploded onto the Quebec scene in the fall 2019 with their first LP – celebrated
as one of the best francophone records of the year by multiple media outlets. Bon Enfant
(the self-titled record) was an amalgam of groovy “Québécois” pop, covered in tie-dye, with
disco, desert rock and some nancysinatra-ish influences. Songs co-written by Brissette and
Chiasson, in French, but in a raw French – think Molière with a beard.
Full Line-Up